This is a slideshow with a background with diferents aquatic vegetation
The Caloosahatchee River looking northeast of the Franklin Locks
The geographic jurisdiction of LCHCD is Lee County, Florida and the Caloosahatchee River and its tributaries eastward from Fort Myers to Lake Okeechobee. Public waters are a priority for LCHCD. Public waters are defined as having access by the general public or are owned as a public resource for various purposes including but not limited to navigation, recreation, flood control and water supply.
Current Operating Guidelines for Private Waters:
1. Where there are multiple waterfront owners of a pond or lake, LCHCD requires all owners to sign and agree to treatment. The president of a homeowners association can sign off on behalf of multiple owners. LCHCD form for signatures on private ponds Petition-for-aquatic-vegetation-management-form
2. A pond or lake that is under a private contract for weed control is not eligible for treatment by LCHCD.
3. Private pond or lake owners that request services of LCHCD will be allowed one herbicide treatment and a follow up within a few weeks if necessary per twelve month period starting the date of the treatment, if they meet the above criteria (1 and 2) or if necessary.
4. Lee County residents obtaining a permit for grass carp in private waters may be provided triploid grass carp by LCHCD if and when available. The private lake or pond must not have an existing contract for aquatic weed control with a private contractor. Grass carp intended for public waters (Cape Coral) are a priority in the context of availability.