Grass Carp

The Lee County Hyacinth Control District utilizes an important biological tool for the control of submergent and floating vegetation.  In Florida, grass carp are a “restricted species” and regulated by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC).  These fish are only for stocking if they are certified triploid (sterile) and can only be possessed, transported or stocked by permit from FWC.  The District’s integrated management plan incorporates the use of triploid grass carp as a cornerstone species for an effective strategy in our aquatic plant program.  Grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) are native to eastern Asia and cultured throughout world for their herbivorous appetite.  Grass carp are a long lived (20+ years) and are able to tolerate a large spectrum of temperature changes from 0-40 degrees Celsius.  This hardy species is an essential asset for the District’s long term conservative approach in managing balanced sustainable freshwater environments.  In combination with our chemical and mechanical application methods, triploid grass carp have played a significant role in the District’s mission of controlling invasive aquatic vegetation.

The District manages over 2200 cumulative acres in Lee county with use of grass carp.  Currently, the data is collated from each site with pre/post stocking inspections, transect monitoring, and service requests.  Analyzing the information collected, aides our approach for maintaining and developing an integrated control strategy for the management of nuisance aquatic vegetation.  Essentially, the District formulates a plan of action from the data yielded and once assessed, an effective strategy is developed and implimented for “maintenance control” purposes.  If perhaps, you might be interested and your waterbody fits the criteria, please review the District’s grass carp requirements under –  Triploid Grass Carp Permit Application.  Grass carp might just be the answer, for your aquatic plant control needs.